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Why I Need a Mudroom in My House

May 28, 2020

Avery mud room


What is my favorite room in my house?  You might expect me to elaborate on the comforts of my favorite chair in the family room or the conveniences of my spacious primary bath.  But the truth is that my favorite room in my home is my mudroom.  Although I’ve lived in dozens of homes during my lifetime and my current abode is one of the smaller homes I’ve owned, it provides the most effective use of square footage.  I feel strongly that one of the main reasons I feel so comfortable in this home is the convenient and flexible space afforded by my mudroom. 

What makes a mudroom so important to me?  Why does a 35-year-old married woman without children feel so strongly about this small space? 

Here are a few reasons why you should have a mudroom in your home:


I’m a compulsive organizer.  I like for everything to be put away, and out of sight.  The peace and serenity of home are easily disrupted by “stuff” that doesn’t have a place.


My mudroom has floor-to-ceiling white cabinets (compliments of IKEA coupled with my husband’s handiwork).  Inside these cabinets, we store coats and jackets, shoes, gym bags, umbrellas, ball caps, bowling balls, baseball bats, dog leashes, laundry detergent, extra paper products, and canned goods.  Everything has a place. 


The mudroom encourages my very “active” (i.e. messy) husband to drop his shoes at the door after he has been working on his latest outdoor project.  The mudroom provides an appropriate space to dry off the dogs when they have been out in the rain. Mudroom in Charleston Floorplan

Laundry Room

The mudroom also houses my stackable washer and dryer, along with a nice shelf for my clean laundry basket.  I have room for a plastic bin for the EXTRA dirty clothes that don’t even make it to the hamper in the bathroom.

Extra Space

My mudroom offers me peace and serenity in the rest of my home.  I can keep the unsightly odds and ends away from plain view.  Everything has its place in my mudroom. I think more and more people both young and old, with and without children, are looking for a flexible space to stash the unsightly necessities of everyday life, which is why a mudroom is a great addition to any household

Floor Plans with Mudrooms

Eastwood Homes offers dozens of floor plans with a mud room space separating the garage entrance from the rest of the home.  One of my favorite Eastwood Homes mudroom spaces comes with the Charleston floor plan.  The mudroom in Charleston is so large that some decorators treat it as a separate living space. I would fill this room with cabinets and cubbies and have a place for everything, including a laundry sink to wash my dogs, and a countertop for folding clothing.  It would be a dream come true!

Other great plans from Eastwood Homes that offer a mudroom include the Davidson, the Drexel, the McDowell, The Stanley, and the Caldwell, among several others. Check out the best plans for your lifestyle at


Decorating Ideas, Decorating Trends, Eastwood Homes, New Homes

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