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What Type of New Home Shopper Are You?

April 03, 2015

Basset Hound Eastwood Homes | New Home Shopper

What Type of Home Shopper Are You?
As described through the personalities of our canine companions! 

It’s no secret- shopping for a new home can be a daunting task and yet, it’s also one of the most rewarding and pivotal moments of the entire human experience.  It truly is the American Dream, white-picket-fence or not. Sometimes, the process of obtaining this dream can leave us dog-gone overwhelmed. Like our canine friends, we may find ourselves sniffing around for the best deal, chasing our tails in pursuit of the perfect option, or scratching our heads in search of the best product, design feature, or incentive. This begs the question- What type of new home shopper are you?

The Bassett-hound- The basset-hound is best known as a great family and hunting companion. Bassett-hound shoppers are just the same. They are on the hunt for the best product or floor plan for their family. Ears to the ground, they are listening to the words of their peers, searching for reviews online, and speaking with neighbors to learn more about the community and product. The popular scent or consensus helps them to make an informed home-buying decision!  Additionally, they are detailed-oriented and their final decision is calculated.  Exact measurements regarding financing and the best option for their bank account help to shape their purchase. Bassett-hound shoppers can often drive those around them a little crazy as they are totally and undeniably engulfed in the home shopping process and every detail associated with it. They can’t talk about anything else!  We do hope basset-hound shoppers look a little more excited than their canine counterparts when the process is said and done! Hopefully, the notable basset-hound frown is turned upside down when they enter through the doors of their brand-new home.

The Labrador Retriever-  These new home shoppers are a realtor’s best friend. They lean on their realtor or New Home Specialist for support, expertise, and knowledge of the industry. Oftentimes, Labrador retriever buyers are first-time homebuyers who know very little about the buying process, their purchasing power, and the real estate industry.  At Eastwood Homes, Labrador retrievers are our favorite. We love sharing our knowledge and expertise with those who rely on us. These buyers are also loyal. They know what they like and are set on their needs, wants, and desires. Their desires are like a favorite fetch toy they won’t let go of! Once they find something they like, they hang on to it throughout the duration of the new home process. For example, if they fall in love with a 2-story great room at the very first home they view, they aren’t going to forget about it! They are going to expect their final purchase to have a very similar or even more impressive 2-story great room. Like Labrador retriever pups, Labrador retriever buyers are loyal and a man’s (or realtor’s) best friend.

The Collie- Bless Collie’s heart. This buyer is often times the ringleader of a large family looking for a new home. Their job is HARD. While all their companions or family members around them are moving in opposite directions and have varying wants, needs, and desires, they are grounded. Mom wants a gourmet kitchen, teenage son and daughter want spacious bedrooms, and mother-in-law wants a 1st-floor guest suite- ARGH! The Collie steps in to make sure all family members find what they are looking for and more!  The Collie knows the necessities and ensures that those needs are met with the chosen floor plan without letting their vision become clouded. Like the dog, this buyer is a natural-born herder.  Most often, this is also the family member that ensures punctuality and organization within the family during all situations, not only when purchasing a new home.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel- Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are best known as a royal breed. Although loving and tender, these dogs are symbols of wealth and beauty. Buyers we classify as Cavalier King Charles Spaniels see their homes in the same manner. Their home is a symbol of wealth and beauty; therefore, it must have state-of-the-art designer features and options. These buyers are easily distracted by the shiny! They are the ones that walk into a merchandized model and immediately gasp, “I MUST HAVE EVERYTHING IN THIS HOUSE!”  CKC Spaniel buyers aren’t as concerned with the layout of the floor plan as long as everything in the home is luxurious; spa-like master baths, gourmet kitchens, hardwood flooring, and spacious sunrooms are just a few of the must-haves on the CKC Spaniel buyers’ list. Unintentionally, budget is thrown aside by these buyers when they are deep in the trenches of new home shopping. Oftentimes, they have to be brought back to reality by their loving companions, the Bassett-hound or the Collie.

The English Bulldog- Although the process of buying a new home is fun and exciting, bulldog shoppers aren’t nearly as engaged in the process as some of their counterparts. Like the dog, bulldog shoppers just want to relax! They aren’t interested in viewing every single home in the entire city; they are ready to select one and find their comfy spot on the couch. They are often the buyers that begin rolling their eyes when their spouse or co-buyer asks one zillion questions. Additionally, instead of seeking out every single option on their own, Bulldog shoppers would prefer to have just a few of the BEST options delivered to them by a realtor or New Home Specialist. Sure, bulldog shoppers will do their homework and tour the neighborhood once or twice before making a decision, but then they are done. Decision made, game over, time to relax and chill in the new space!

The Jack Russell Terrier- Jack Russell shoppers are the exact opposite of the English bulldog. They CAN NOT relax and are filled with energy.  They LOVE shopping for a new home and it shows!  During the contract phase, their realtor might be tempted to restrain them to a chair to help with concentration for the task at hand (just kidding)!  If building a home, they are often the shopper that stops by every day to see what’s happening. Rain, sleet, snow, or extremely hot temperatures cannot keep them away from their new home while it’s under construction!  Their attitude and love for their home are infectious and have a positive impact on those around them. High-pitched squeals, excited hops, and spinning around in circles can be common among this type of buyer!


The Mutt- Ahhh, the Mutt! These types of canines are built with a mix of many characteristics and are some of the most common breeds found in households today! More often than not, we find that new home shoppers fall into this category and have a touch of each personality type as well!  Most new home buyers hunt for the details and deals like the basset-hound, seek out expert advice similar to the Labrador retriever, compile the needs and desires of the family like the Collie, bask in designer features and options like the Cavalier King Charles spaniel, are overwhelmed with excitement like the Jack Russell, and by the end of the process, are just ready to relax in their new home like the English bulldog!

At Eastwood Homes, we love all new home shoppers! Our trained team of New Home Specialists is equipped to deal with any personality type and would be delighted to help you find your perfect new home. Whether you need to be brought back down to earth (cough, cough CKC spaniels) or need reassurance that this is the right time to purchase, we’re here to help!








Buying a New Home, Eastwood Homes, New Homes

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