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Vision Award Winners for 2014 Honored by Constructech Magazine

October 06, 2014

Carol Stream, Ill. - Oct. 6, 2014 – Construction companies that have identified the right technology solution will find success. And this past Friday, companies that have done just that were named 2014 Vision Award winners by Constructech magazine. This year, these winners and their solution providers gathered at the Sofitel San Francisco Bay in California, following Technology Day.

The Constructech Vision Awards acknowledge companies that have stayed up-to-date on the latest trends and products in order to make decisions that have helped their businesses succeed and thrive.

Companies eligible to submit for this competition include residential construction, commercial, and heavy construction businesses, professionals in all trades, architectural and engineering firms, corporate owners, facility management companies, government agencies, and land developers.

“From commercial to residential, owner to contractor, there is one point they can all agree on: It is all about the data. How do you harness it? What insights can it provide on a job? How can it make a company more profitable?” said Peggy Smedley, editorial director, Constructech. “The 2014 Vision Award winners have found ways to answer these questions, and it can be seen in their success.”

The winners of the 2014 Constructech Vision Awards are:

Builder/GC Commercial $26 million to $100 million

Gold: OHL-FCC Limited Partnership

Aconex Ltd.


Silver: SeamlessCare Inc.

HTS Inc.

Bronze: Duffey Southeast Inc.

Citrix Systems, Inc.


Builder/GC Commercial $101 million to $250 million

Gold: M. J. Harris Construction Services, LLC

Bluebeam Software, Inc.

Trimble Navigation Limited

Bronze: GovanBrown Construction Managers

Computer Methods International Corp.


Builder/GC Commercial $251 million to $500 million

Gold: Pepper Construction

Autodesk Inc.



Builder/GC Commercial More than $500 million

Silver: McCarthy Building Companies, Inc.

Autodesk Inc.


Builder/GC Commercial More than $500 million

Gold: Parsons Corporation

Aconex Ltd.

Bronze: Hoar Construction, LLC.

Assemble Systems

Autodesk Inc.

Trimble Navigation Limited

Bronze: Webcor Builders

Trimble Navigation Limited

Builder/GC Residential $26 million to $100 million

Gold: Portrait Homes

Avid Ratings Co.


Fully Managed Inc.

Sage Software, Inc.

Sales Simplicity Software

Service Software, LLC


Builder/GC Residential $101 million to $250 million

Gold: Eastwood Homes



Corporate Owner: Industrial/Mfg.

Gold: Turner Industries


Corporate Owner: Landscaping

Silver: Dreamscapes By Dennis, Inc.


To-Scale Software, LLC

Corporate Owner: Mining

Gold: Rio Tinto

Aconex Ltd.


Corporate Owner: Retail/Chain

Gold: Petco

Systemates, Inc.



Gold: AUI Inc.

Computer Guidance Corporation


Silver: Pinnacle/CSG

Bluebeam Software, Inc.


Bronze: BRB Contractors, Inc.

Computer Guidance Corporation


Specialty Contractor: Concrete Work

Gold: Klorman Construction

Trimble Navigation Limited


Specialty Contractor: Electrical Work

Gold: Rosendin Electric, Inc.

Autodesk Inc.


Specialty Contractor: Industrial Coatings

Gold: K2 Industrial, Inc.

Penta Technologies, Inc.


Specialty Contractor: Mechanical

Gold: Murphy

Penta Technologies, Inc.


Specialty Contractor: Painting and Paper Hanging

Gold: R. Roe Painting Company

To-Scale Software, LLC


Specialty Contractor: Water Well Drilling

Gold: Andrews & Foster Drilling Company

Thrive Fast


The final award that was distributed was the Team Award, given to the project team that experienced considerable success in using leading-edge technology, specifically on one single project or program. This year the winner of the Team Award was Kaiser Permanente. The partners recognized were HTS Inc.; AECOM; Autodesk Inc.; HOK; McCarthy Building Companies, Inc.; and Profitable Solutions Institute, Inc.

“In looking at the 2014 Vision Award winners, you will find an impressive group of construction companies that represent multiple verticals,” said Laura Black, editor, Constructech magazine. “Each of them was able to not only recognize the benefits technology can provide, but implement the necessary solutions. Tonight they come away as winners, and carry on a 15-year tradition of accomplishment.”

The 2014 Vision Award winners can also be found in the Nov/Dec and December issues of Constructech magazine. The issues are available in print or by downloading the Constructech app in the iTunes App Store or Google Play. Simply search for Constructech.

 For any inquires on how to submit for the 2015 Vision Awards, please contact Michelle Mayer via email or at +1 630.933.0844 ext. 246.

About Constructech magazine

Constructech magazine is where construction and technology converge. The publication influences construction professionals to unleash the business value of technology.


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