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Tips For Learning & Working Remotely!

September 08, 2020

Over the past few years, working remotely and homeschooling have become popular options for both employers and parents. According to Fundera, at the beginning of 2020 over five million employees were working from home remotely, and about two million students were being homeschooled. As we all know, things have changed this year in many ways due to COVID-19 and remote learning and working are two of them! 

We recently did a poll to our 5,000 Instagram followers asking how many are currently working from home and the response was that more than 70 percent are now remote employees! Your home used to be a place to escape after a long day of work but now it has become a place where work, school, relaxation, and fun have to exist together! So how do we make that happen? We have a few tips for you!

5 Learning & Working from Home Tips and Tricks: 

1. Maintain a steady schedule.

Find a routine that works for you, whether it be taking a break in the morning to get your blood flowing or having a cup of coffee while you watch the news or cartoons before you get your day started. Having a routine can set the mood for your day and get you on the right track.

2. Have a designated space to learn/work.

If you don’t have a designated room for an office, find a space to convert that works for you! This could be a small nook in your living room, turning a hallway or secondary bedroom closet into a desk space, or even a floating desk in your kitchen! A space that reminds your brain that it’s time to work and stay focused is crucial. 

3. Make your space fun and inviting.

Since you're going to be spending a lot of time here, why not make it a spot that you enjoy being in? Paint a chalk wall for ideas and learning, put up bulletin boards to hang reminders and fun sayings, and get crafty with organizing all the supplies you’ll need.

4. Get active.

Throughout the day, get up, and get active! Whether it be taking a few minutes at lunch to eat outside, or getting out for some fresh air in your neighborhood, we all need a break! A break in the day rejuvenates the mind and helps with stress and anxiety, so don’t think you can’t have recess or lunch breaks just because you’re at home.

5. Set rules.

The majority of people right now are living with someone who is also working/learning from home. Set some ground rules that you all can follow to make it the best environment for everyone in the household.


We hope that while adjusting to working and learning from home you’ll find these tips helpful! Your home is not only a safe space for comfort and family, it can now transform into your workspace, play space, school classroom, and more. The options are endless to make your new spot in your home whatever you need to get your job done! 

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