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Sausage Pinwheels

November 01, 2017

Amanda, New Home Specialist Raleigh

“These pinwheels are perfect and a favorite for the nooner game with a tailgate that starts at 8:00 am and you need to get some food on your belly before the fun begins.  They stay yummy even when they cool off so people can graze on them for a while.  Go Tarheels and Mountaineers!!”

-Amanda Capel, New Home Specialist Raleigh Division


2 cans crescent rolls

1 lb (tube) of sausage



Preheat oven to 350.

Roll out the crescent rolls and pinch perforations together to create a single sheet of dough. 

Spread out the uncooked sausage evenly over the sheet of dough.

Starting from whatever side is easiest, roll the dough lined with sausage up making a log.

(You may need to refrigerate the log for a bit to allow for dough to harden a bit)

With a serrated knife, cut each into 1/2-inch thick slices.  

Place slices onto a baking sheet.

Cook 8 minutes on one side, flip over and cook 6-8 minutes on the other. 




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