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Homeowner How-To

Tips on How to Throw A Great House Warming Party

August 29, 2018

There are so many emotions when buying a home. From stress to excitement, to pure joy; many homeowners feel pride when finally landing their dream home! After all the emotions, moving in, and getting settled, what’s next? Well, a housewarming party of course!

Now we know what you’re thinking - I have to plan a party after doing all this other stuff? Well, don’t worry! You’ll be glad you got to show off your new digs and we’ll lay out an easy process for you to enjoy your home and have your loved ones in it.

  1. Plan in Advance - You don’t want to have the party the week after you move in. Plan for a few weeks ahead so you know everything will be put away and nicely organized. This also gives your guests time to mark their calendars and give you a headcount!
  2. Time it Out - You’ll want to give your guests a start and an end time that will guide them through the night. This will allow you to be prepared for early birds and the people you know will stay a little after the party ends. It will also give you time for some cleanup before ending your day.
  3. “Tour Guide” - You have a new title to add to your resume. Of course, when guests arrive, they’ll want to see the entirety of the house! Make sure you have a little speech for each room, how you decorated it, what you’ll use it for, etc. The guests are there to support you so they will definitely want to know!
  4. The Yummy Part - You can plan for the food in a multitude of ways. Maybe you have a potluck to take some pressure and financial responsibility off of you. Or you do light appetizers and refreshments. Either way, make sure your guests know what the menu looks like before they arrive!
  5. Keep it Simple - Don’t overdo it! You’ll be amazed what a little food, good drinks, some games, and great company will do.

With these tips on how to throw a housewarming party, you’re sure to have a great time. Now go out there and be the host(ess) with the most(ess!)

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