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Holiday Guide to Hosting in Your New Home

December 21, 2016

Holiday party

The holidays are a special and highly anticipated time of year! If you've purchased a new home in 2016, then we're sure you're excited to celebrate the season with a holiday party! What better way to show off your new kitchen and living room than by hosting a party OR even inviting your family to spend the entire holiday with you! Planning a party or hosting family can be fun, but preparing your new home takes a bit of work! Consider the following quick tips for having a fun holiday season for all!

Keep the Drinks Light… In Color

When you’re having a party, accidents are bound to happen. Whether someone drops their glass or someone a bit too excited for Christmas (maybe the youngest in the family?) bumps into you, it’s a good idea to eliminate stains by serving light-colored beverages.

If your group likes to drink dark beverages, such as red wine, it’s okay to ask them to stay in a room with hardwoods or in the kitchen. You won’t offend anyone by protecting your new home and your furniture! In fact, we recommend you set up the food in an area that is easy to be cleaned! Guests tend to mingle near the grub, thus their drinks will stay in that area as well! Serve appetizers in the kitchen or dining room where a little mess causes little stress! 

Make a List and Check it Twice

Whether you make a list for the grocery store or party-related tasks, it can help elevate stress and save your time for the fun parts of the holidays! Also, it's very rewarding to check or highlight an item as COMPLETE! For a little holiday cheer, we recommend using red or green pens, highlighters, markers, etc. Don't be shy about making your list look festive! Also, Don’t be shy about delegating your tasks. Friends and family often times want to feel as if they are contributing to the celebration and having them help complete your list is a win-win for everyone! 

Give Them Space

If you live in an area where it gets cold in the wintertime, chances are your guests will bring coats and other cold-weather accessories. Make space near your front door, or in a coat closet, for your guests to leave the bulky articles out of the way. After all, a party can't really begin if everyone still has their coats on, can it?

Just In Case, Always Prepare

Prepare your guest bedrooms with freshly washed sheets and towels.  Include a “Just In Case” basket in the bathroom and fill it with everyday toiletries such as travel size tooth paste, toothbrushes, shampoo, lotion, soaps, etc. It’s safe to say that everyone has left at least one of these items when they were traveling, especially to another family member’s home. Since your guest is doing the traveling, this “Just In Case” basket is a caring touch in welcoming them to your new home! 

Local Tour Guide

If you have out of town guests staying with you, consider making a list of fun hang out spots and delicious restaurants they should try! Include places to shop, cafes, bars, donut shops and more. Keep this list handy for when everyone is asking “What should we do today?” and you will be everyone’s hero! Having a few board games handy is also a great idea! What's more fun than a good old-fashioned board game by the fire?

Decorate Your Home

Whether you’re hosting a party or guests that are staying for the holidays, don’t forget to decorate your home! This is the time to show it off and decorate with the holidays in mind! Take the opportunity to invest in new decorations to set the tone with your new home. Plus, holiday decorations are a great addition to turn a house into a home during this special time of the year. You and your loved ones will appreciate the warmth of the holidays with your décor. Why not go all out?

Celebrating the holidays may be a stressful time, but with a little planning can be fun for everyone. Take the time to prepare, make lists, and we’re sure you will have a stress-free holiday! What are your favorite tricks to prepare for house guests during this busy time of year?

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