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Eastwood in the News

A Message to our Friends

March 13, 2020

Dear Eastwood Homes friends and family,

In this time of uncertainty, we want to bring you an update on how we at Eastwood Homes are responding to concerns of Covid-19. Our primary goal is to ensure the health and safety of our team, our homebuyers, and our homeowners.

We are taking necessary measures to ensure our model homes, move-in-ready homes, and offices are safe through additional cleaning and disinfecting. We are limiting travel, holding virtual meetings, and postponing events. We have asked our team to not come to work if they are sick, and we are continuing to monitor the situation to take additional precautions as needed.

Another area of concern is our homebuyers. While national and state governments are discouraging close interaction, we know that our economy is strong, the homebuilding industry is confident in its ability to maneuver through these challenges, and now is the time to buy thanks to interest rates that are historically low. 

This can be a difficult situation for those in the market for a new home. Whether it be because of time constraints to find a home, or simply the desire to take advantage of interest rates at all-time lows, for many of our customers, the concern of coronavirus is challenging their move forward.

We want to assure those homebuyers that we are still available to help. We are pleased to offer virtual tours with our on-site sales team for those wishing to continue their home search. In fact, most of the home buying process including going under contract can be done virtually. Our teams are able to help homebuyers navigate that process and answer any questions they may have.

For our homebuyers who are currently in the research phase, we have worked very hard to build a large catalog of photos, video tours, and virtual 3D tours. Our internet team can be contacted via social media or our website to help access those.

For those homebuyers who want to visit our model homes and communities, as of today, we are still open during normal hours. Please understand that our on-site teams do not offer a traditional handshake at this time. We have advised them to limit contact as much as possible. Also, we strongly suggest contacting our internet team via social media or our website to set an appointment in these times of constant changes. This will assure that our customers are notified immediately of any model closings. We will also communicate closings on our website and social media if needed.

We want to close with a reminder from our friends at Atrium Health. The easiest precautions to take against coronavirus are:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Don’t touch your face.
  • Avoid close contact with someone who’s sick.

Thank you,

Joe Stewart

Clark Stewart

Owners, Eastwood Homes

Eastwood Homes

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